Frequently Asked Questions

Dice Tower West 2025
General Questions
What is Dice Tower West?

Dice Tower West is an annual board gaming convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It brings together gamers from around the world to enjoy five days filled with gaming, workshops, panels, and exhibitions. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the hobby, Dice Tower West offers something exciting for everyone.

When and where is Dice Tower West 2025 taking place?

Dice Tower West 2025 will take place from March 5-9 at the Westgate Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.

How can I purchase tickets?

The badges will be available August 1, 2024.  Please visit Get your Badge.

Do you offer single day badges?

No, we only offer the five day and three day weekend badges.

Do you have children’s badges?

No, anyone 6 years of age or older must purchase the full convention badge.

Attendee Information
What should I bring to the convention?

We recommend bringing comfortable clothing, any games you wish to play in the Open Gaming areas, personal identification, and any confirmations of registrations or bookings.

Are there accommodations available near the convention site?

Yes, Dice Tower West partners with the Westgate Hotel and other nearby hotels to offer special rates for attendees. Information and booking options can be found on our ‘Book Your Room’ page.

Can I bring my own games?

Yes! Many people do and it’s highly encouraged. 

Exhibitor and Sponsor Information
How can I become an exhibitor or sponsor at Dice Tower West 2025?

For sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, please visit our Become a Sponsor and Exhibitors pages for more details and to submit your inquiry.

Event Specifics
What is the HOT GAMES room?

The HOT GAMES room features the most popular and newest games released at recent conventions like GenCon. This room allows attendees to play and explore these games in a vibrant and dynamic environment.

Are there any volunteer opportunities available?

Yes! Volunteers play a crucial role in the success of Dice Tower West. Volunteers receive a free badge for the event among other perks. Visit our Volunteer page for more details and to apply.

What games are in your library?

You can find the current list of our games here.

Safety and Policies
What are the security measures at the event?

The safety of our attendees, exhibitors, and staff is a top priority. We implement comprehensive security measures, including bag checks, security personnel, and clear guidelines on acceptable behavior at the event. 

What is your policy on harassment?

Dice Tower West has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment of any kind. We are committed to creating a safe and respectful environment for all participants. Anyone found to be harassing others will be dealt with according to our strict policies, which may include expulsion from the convention without refund.

What is the DTW Code of Conduct?

First and foremost, Dice Tower West is a family friendly convention. When in public, please keep all language and conversations PG-13. No alcohol is allowed in convention areas. 

Dice Tower West is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and enjoyable convention experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We therefore expect attendees to follow these guidelines while they are within the venue or at any Dice Tower West-sanctioned event. Convention attendees in violation of these rules may be given a warning or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the convention organizers. 

We do not tolerate harassment of convention attendees, staff, or venue security in any form. 

Harassment includes, but is not limited to: 

Verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion. Sexual images in public spaces. Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following. Harassing photography or recording. Sustained disruption during demos or events. 

Inappropriate physical contact. Unwelcome sexual attention. Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviors. 

Games With Adult Themes 
We recognize that some games are geared toward adults and therefore contain mature themes and specific content that may be deemed offensive to others. We ask that attendees exercise caution when playing these sorts of games, making sure to pay attention to their surroundings and ensuring that all participants in a game are comfortable with the subject matter. Staff or volunteers may ask you to discontinue any game that we deem to be disruptive to the event or its attendees. 

Attendees who are asked to stop any behavior are expected to comply immediately. If an attendee engages in behavior that violates these rules, con organizers retain the right to take any actions needed to keep the event a welcoming environment for all attendees including issuing a warning to the offender or removing the offender from the convention with no refund. Event organizers may take action to address and/or prevent anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting the event or making the environment hostile for any attendees. 

If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible to a convention staff member or volunteer. Staff and volunteers can be identified by their badges. 

Personal Care & Hygiene 
We recognize that it can be easy to let time get away from you when you are playing games and you want to get the most out of your Dice Tower West experience. For the health and safety of all attendees, we suggest everyone adhere to the 6-2-1 policy. Get at least six hours of sleep, eat at least two meals, and take at least one shower each day. If you believe someone has a health or hygiene-related issue that needs to be addressed, please notify a staff member or volunteer.